Jerry first moved to Arizona in 1966. He and his wife Sandy have been married for 37 years and have one daughter and two grandchildren. Jerry is an accomplished pilot—with over three decades of flying experience—who flies out of Glendale airport. He is a motorcycle enthusiast who rides a Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic and is a member of the El Zaribah Shriners Motorcycle Unit. He performs in parades across the state and has served as a reservist for the Arizona Department of Public Safety. He has been and always will be a strong supporter of all things military.
Jerry Weiers was first elected Mayor of Glendale in 2012, inheriting a city buckling under the weight of bad deals, and facing the very real threat of bankruptcy. To turn the city around, Jerry did what he promised to do on the campaign trail - he used his experience in the private sector and in the State Legislature, and brought the city together to repair the city’s finances and improve its economy.
Prior to serving as Mayor, Jerry represented the West Valley in the State Legislature for nearly eight years, where he has won awards for his common-sense record. While serving as Chairman of the House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee, Weiers helped lead efforts to bring the F-35 to Luke Air Force Base, solidifying this critical economic engine for Glendale.
In addition to moving the city of Glendale forward along with the city council, Jerry is a very much involved in several community events, many of which he started. He created the Annual Stand Up for Veterans event that happens every September and also the Mayors Big Dog Run, which happens every other year. He also saw an opportunity to give thanks and appreciation to the young men and women who decide to join the military and started Annual Military Induction Ceremony.
Weiers has a long and impressive record of community service and has won recognition for his work on behalf of sportsmen, motorcyclists, and military veterans groups, to name a few.
Some of the awards include:
o Copper Shield Award - United Arizona Veterans
o Outstanding Legislator - Arizona Trucking Association
o Silver Spoke Award - National Coalition of Motorcyclists
o Distinguished Legislator Award - American Legion Department of Arizona
o Man of the Year - Military Families Foundation
o Sportsmen’s Heritage Award - Arizona Legislators for Wildlife
o Friend of Cities and Towns - League of Arizona Cities and Towns
o Arizona Conservationist of the Year - Arizona Wildlife Federation
o Inductee – Arizona’s Outdoor Hall of Fame
o Award of Excellence - Arizona Game and Fish Department
o Friend of the Family Award (every year in office)